Preschool is the beginning of a lifetime of learning. A solid educational foundation in the preschool years allows your child to build on that foundation as they continue into kindergarten and beyond.
All of our instruction is nestled under the canopy of the Gospel and a Biblical worldview. We want children to know Jesus and to grow up into His image. And so we share God’s Big Story one chapter at a time in our classrooms each day and in weekly chapel services.
In addition to gospel instruction, our curriculum emphasizes growing in the following five developmental areas: verbal communication, pre-literacy skills, pre-math skills, social emotional development, and gross and fine motor skills.
Pediatricians, early educators, and researchers agree that balanced growth in these five areas contribute to future success in academics and all of life. Because we believe that all wisdom is God’s wisdom, we pursue both spiritual growth and evidence-based academic preparation.
In our classes each day, we enjoy interactive read-alouds, center-based activities, process art, and active outdoor play. In Pre-K and Kindergarten classrooms our curriculum is phonics-based which equips children for reading success. Our goal is to encourage creativity and self-expression, as well as discipline and order.
Contact us today to schedule a tour!
Our Beliefs
We believe the Bible is the sufficient, trustworthy, infallible, and authoritative source of truth about God and His plan for us. We believe the Bible is the Word of God and is authoritative, trustworthy and without error in revealing the story of God to men.
We believe human beings were created in God’s image, but that human sin separated them from God. We believe that sin affects every human and that there is no way for human beings to restore the broken relationship with God caused by that sin.
We believe Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for human sin and to do away with the sin that separates human beings from God. He dies. He was buried, and he rose again from the dead on the third day, and ascended to the Father.
We believe that the only way for human beings to be reconciled to God is through this saving work of Jesus Christ and that salvation is freely granted to all who believe in Him.
We believe there is one God who reveals Himself in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father, who is the Creator of all things; the Son, who is the Redeemer of all things; and the Holy Spirit, whose sanctifying work fits us for the Kingdom of God.
We believe that Christian education is a partnership between the school, the parents, and the Church. Together we can equip, train and disciple children to know God and become more like Him in their thoughts, actions and attitudes and to learn more about the world that God made. Through this process we build a foundation for children to grow to be lifelong learners.
We seek to develop a Christian staff who nurture and mentor the children in a safe and loving setting. Our teachers and support staff feel called to teach and guide the children during some of the most formative years of the children’s lives and to provide a foundation that will prepare each child for a lifetime of learning about all that is good and true and beautiful.
Scholarship Funds
Giving to Support our Mission
Click on the Donate Now button below to support the ministry of our school in one of two ways. This button will link you to Faithstreet Giving, the charitable gift platform of New Life Church. When you give you can choose which fund your gift will be credited toward.
To Give to the School's general fund, choose New Life Community Christian School or to give to the school's scholarship fund, choose NLCCS - Scholarship Fund. In the memo section, you can indicate further directions like "teacher training" or "school capital fund if you wish to do so.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at schooladmin@newlifecrc.org. Thank you.